E14: How to Process Your Emotions

E14: How to Process Your Emotions
The Poised Powerhouse Podcast
E14: How to Process Your Emotions

Nov 02 2021 | 00:26:22

Episode 14 November 02, 2021 00:26:22

Hosted By

Dr. Seida Hood, DSW, LCSW

Show Notes

E14: How to Process Your Emotions

  • In this episode of The Loveish Podcast with Seida Hood, LCSW, we covered:
  • what it means to process your emotions and why we should do it
  • why you shouldn't rush the process of "feeling your feelings"
  • when it's time to release or let go of pain

  • Psssttt!!! Why do you keep trying to do life alone boo? I know you're tired of being last on your never-ending to-do list. With workshops and masterclasses combined with sisterhood and 24/7 access to the squad, we'll help you discover your identity, walk in your purpose and live more confidently starting today! Join the squad and get connected with like-minded women by activating your 14-day FREE trial to The Pink Emerald Collective!

  • Hey boo! I'm Seida (pronounced see-dah) and I'm all about creating (and continuing) authentic conversations outside of cookie-cutter molds.

Let's keep in touch if you wanna join in on these conversations!

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